UFOs In America – The 2020 Sightings

UFOs and USOs (Unidentified Submerged Objects) have been seen for years by Americans from all walks of life including fighter pilots, airline passengers, ordinary people on the way to work and more. We will discuss recent sightings for the United States and advance our theories of what is happening.

What are these craft? Alien? Military? Perhaps both? Why are they coming here and what could they possibly want from our world and/or us? Let’s explore this together to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Callers are welcome to dial in and share their sightings with us. Read More …

Civil War Ghosts with Scott Wise

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is a hot spot of paranormal activity. History records that 94,000 Union troops battled against 72,000 Confederate soldiers and it was the bloodiest battle to take place during the Civil War. With more than 51,000 Americans either killed, wounded, or missing in action.

Investigator Scott Wise will share his experiences and EVPs from haunted sites in Civil War historical and haunted Gettysburg. that he investigated with a number of paranormal teams.Some of the evidence we will be presented tonight. Read More …

Paranormal Paradise – Living in a Haunted House

We talk about our haunted homes (Like my haunted gold mine ranch here in Northern California) and the strange things we’ve run into with ghosts and spirits plus the unusual happenings as objects go missing, things are moved and that feeling of being watched when no one alive is in the house with you. We’ll hope you join us for the show. Join Jon, Brenda and Scott for another radio show from across the USA to your hopefully haunted apartment, house or car! Read More …

Paranormal, Ghosts, Haunted Rest Homes, Mediumship, Spirits and More

So much has happened since I first started at BlogTalkRadio 12 years ago… I’m now retired from my day job in aerospace and have had life challenges galore but still feel the pull for radio and want to be back in the saddle again.

My ranch is STILL very haunted. Have a parent in assisted living and THAT place is haunted like you won’t believe. I’m back investigating again and enjoying myself and will be sharing news of these things here on BlogTalkRadio regularly with a 30 minute program and details of where to see my latest evidence and work with friends in the paranormal world and beyond.

It’ll be 30 minutes of fun to be back in front of the microphone and back on the air! Hope to see you there! Read More …

6-25-2018 – Ghost Stories – A night of sharing about the Other Side

Ghosts… They are everywhere and more and more people are having encounters with them. We will be covering stories of the paranormal and our direct encounters with spirits and the unusual things we’ve encountered in our cases in California and Nevada. Our years with Ghost Rider Investigations and countless investigations will be good for stories about the things we’ve seen and that should get the ball rolling.and then we open the phone lines to callers to share their stories! Read More …