EVP and ITC Websites

EVP and ITC websites

What follows are websites and media dedicated to Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) and Instrumental Trans-Communication (ITC) research by credible researchers. If you would like your site featured, visit us at https://facebook.com/SoulStreamRadio to leave us a note and we will get back to you! Make sure to share your links and video channel information so we can feature you.

AtransC – The follow-on to Sarah Estep’s AAEVP (American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena) now run by Tom and Lisa Butler. The following videos share details of the EVPs and the “Big Circle”, a group of people on the Other Side who work to get the details of Spirit Communication across to living researchers on this side of the Veil.

Vicki Talbot Welcome to Eternity – Vicki is a long-time EVP researcher whose recordings and influence on the field of ITC research is considerable and influential.


Lance Reed EVP/ITC Research – Lance Reed’s site on EVP research is a modern-day EVP hub with great material from a dedicated researcher!

The following playlist demonstrates his considerable collection of “transform EVP” which are the classical method of recording spirit voices on electronic media: