Floyd Red Crow Speaks of what is coming…

The late Floyd “Red Crow” Westerman speaks of what we are now undeniably witnessing take place across the world.

We will be doing a show on the Hopi predictions and thoughts of the traditional elders whose predictions have been accurate to date and what we might expect and more importantly, how we should prepare and react…And no… not all is bad news… We have learned much as a people in this very strange six years and most importantly, this past two years… The blinders are off and people are awakening to see the real world that was hidden from us all… This is not the time for blame or self-deprecation. It is a time to reflect, to prepare and to see with clear eyes even while some continue to try to blind us. Some say this is a time to rejoice and what an honor it is to be alive at this moment in our history. We’ll be talking about this on the show in coming weeks…