Ztalk radio interviews Jon at 3:00pm Pacific time/5:00pm Eastern
GRI is co-broadcasting this show for BlogTalkRadio listeners
Our Worlds Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6p-8P Eastern Dear Emmy Saturday 10p-12a Eastern With Elizabeth Rose Our Worlds Our worlds with Elizabeth Rose is an online radio broadcast in which Elizabeth explores the many aspects of spirituality and metaphysics. Our Worlds topics range from Astrology to Energy and so much more. The metaphysical and spiritual information explored within the Our Worlds Broadcasts enlivens, enlightens, and empowers. Elizabeth will often have guests who, among other topics, will do readings and occasionally she will do some as well. Once a month Elizabeth plans to be doing a group meditation on the air and Mondays she is working toward showcasing new country artists. Join Elizabeth Rose because if it affects your world, it affects Our Worlds. Read More …