Ghost-Rider Paranormal Radio Police and the Paranormal show

Join us as we talk with call-in guests to talk about personal experiences with spirits and the paranormal with a special emphasis on law-enforcement and the paranormal for the first half-hour. The remaining hour will be open-lines for your ghost stories and questions with the hosts. Click to play the show

Ghost-Rider Paranormal Radio Ghost Cowboys Show

Ghost cowboys, Western women waiting for their men, miners still working to get the gold and much more! Jon and Kat will explore the Western U.S. for ghosts, spirits and cases from Washington state to Arizona along with our call-in guests and potentially a studio guest. Click to play the show

Ghost Rider Paranormal Radio explores the effects of astronomical activity on the paranormal

Astronomical effects on Paranormal activity. This show will explore the various effects of solar flares, lunar phase, x-ray and other esoteric energy sources on paranormal activity here on Earth. Final half of show will cover recent UFO activity and general discussion on the topic Click to play the show