NASA Technical Report R-277: Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events

NASA Technical Report R-277
Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events
U.S. Gov. Pub.

The Catalog ref.NASA TR R-277 released in 1968 was at that time the single most complete listing of all observed lunar anomalies that were recorded by observers from 1500 until 1967.

This book refers to over 450 years worth of notes recording observations of unique or unusual phenomena seen on the lunar surface.  They include reports of seeing areas on the moon’s surface with strange colors, streaks of light, the appearance of mists, or even possible volcanic activity.

The total number of unique (witnesses) observers is over 300 persons. The visible temporary lunar surface aberrations recorded down through the centuries total over 570.

Lunar Events – 1500sLunar Events – 1600sLunar Events 1700s

Lunar Events 1800sLunar Events 1900s

Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events
NASA Technical Report R-277  –  July 1968
Lunar Events – 1500s
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Date & Time
Feature or Location;
1540 Nov 26, ~05h00m Region of Calippus Starlike appearance on dark side Observers at Worms Hess 1911
1587 Mar 5 Dark Side “A sterre is sene in the bodie of the moon vpon the (blank) of Marche, whereat many men merueiled, and not without cause, for it stode directly betwene the pointes of her hornes, the mone being chaunged, not passing 5 or 6 daies before.” Anonymous Harrison 1876; Lowes 1927


Lunar Events – 1600s
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Date & Time
Feature or Location;
1668 Nov 26 Dark Side Bright starlike point Several New Englanders Josselyn 1675; Mather 1714; Lowes 1927
1671 Oct 21 Pitatus N/A N/A Bode 1792a; Lalande 1792 (1966)
1671 Nov 12 Pitatus Small whitish cloud D.Cassini Bode 1792a; Lalande 1792 (1966)
1672 Feb 3 Mare Crisium Nebulous appearance D.Cassini Bode 1792a; Lalande 1792 (1966)
1673 Oct 18 Pitatus White spot D.Cassini Bode 1792a; Lalande 1792 (1966)
1685 Dec 10, ~22h28m Plato Reddish streak on crater floor seen during eclipse (lunar) Bianchini Bianchini 1686; Klado 1965


Lunar Events – 1700s
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Date & Time
Feature or Location;
1706 May 12 N/A Three sparkling spots N/A Bode 1792a
1715 May 3, ~09h30 N/A “Lightning” on the face of the moon. De Louville explained this as storms. Halley reference uses Old Style date. Louville, Halley Louville 1715; Halley 1715; Schroter 1791; Houzeau and Lancaster 1964 ed.
1725 Aug 16 Plato A track of ruddy light, like a beam, crossing the middle of the obscure (shadowed) area (crater in darkness) Bianchini Hesp. Phos. Phaenom. 1728; Sirius 1887; Wilkins 1958
1738 Aug 4, 16h31m N/A During solar eclipse, appearance like lightning on the face of the moon (Partial eclipse) Friend of Weidler Phil. Trans. 1739
1751 Apr 22 Plato Yellow streak of light across crater floor while crater was in darkness Short, Stephens, Harris Sirius 1887
1772 Oct 11, ~17h13m N/A Bright spot on disk of fully eclipsed moon Beccaria’s nephew and niece Beccaria 1781; Klado 1965
1774 Jul 25 Mare Crisium Four bright spots. Peculiar behaviour of terminator Eysenhard Webb 1962 ed., pp. 106-107
1778 Jun 14, ~15h38m N/A; 1 1/2 min During solar eclipse, observed spot near lunar limb almost as bright as sun Ulloa Ulloa 1779, 1780; Houzeau and Lancaster 1964 ed.; Klado 1965
1783 Mar 18 or Sep 10 N/A Moving glows around middle of disk during lunar eclipse Messier Liais 1865; Pop. Astr. 1894-95
1783 Mar Near Aristarchus Bright points seen during observation of star occultation W.Herschel Schroter 1791
1783 May 4 Aristarchus, vicinity Red spot, 4th mag, diameter <3″ W.Herschel, Mrs Lind Herschel 1912
1784 Aristarchus Nebulous bright spot of light Schroter Schroter 1791
1785 Aristarchus Nebulous bright spot of light Schroter Schroter 1791
1786 Dec 24 Aristarchus Extraordinarily bright Schroter Schroter 1791
1787 Mar Dark side Three bright spots W.Herschel Schroter 1791
1787 Apr 19 Dark side Three “volcanoes.” The brightest, 3’57″3 from N limb, the other two much farther toward the center of the moon W.Herschel Herschel 1787, 1912
1787 Apr 20 Dark side Brightest “volcano” even brighter and at least 3 miles in diameter W.Herschel Herschel 1787, 1912
1787 May 19-20 Aristarchus Extraordinarily bright von Bruhl Bode 1790; Schroter 1791; Herschel 1912
1787 May 22 Helicon N/A Villeneuve Lalande 1792 (1966)
1788 Jan 11 Near Plato Bright spot on dark side Observers in Mannheim Schroter 1791
1788 Mar 9-10 Dark side Bright spot Schroter Schroter 1791
1788 Mar 13 Riccioli Bright spot Schroter Schroter 1791
1788 Mar 13 Helicon Lunar “volcano” like 6th mag star Nouet Schroter 1792; Bode 1792a; Lalande 1792 (1966
1788 Apr 9 Aristarchus; 1 hr Extraordinarily bright Bode Bode 1792b
1788 Apr 9-11 Aristarchus Bright spot 26″ N of crater rim Schroter, Bode Schroter 1789, 1791, 1792a, 1792b
1788 May 8 N/A Bright spots Mechain Lalande 1792 (1966)
1788 May 8-9 N/A Bright spots Bode Bode 1792b
1788 Aug 27 N/A Bright spot Schroter Schroter 1791
1788 Sep 26, 4:25am N edge of Mare Crisium Small nebulous bright spot Schroter Rozier 1788, 1792; Schroter 1791
1788 Sep 26 1’18” SE of Plato; 15 min Whitish bright spot shining somewhat hazily and 4″ to 5″ in diameter, 5th mag, SE of Plato in bright moiuntainous region bounding Mare Imbrium Schroter Schroter 1789, 1792a, 1792b; Sirius 1888
1788 Sep 26 Near Aristarchus; 30 min Bright spot 26″ N of main crater Schroter Rozier 1788, 1792; Schroter 1791
1788 Dec 2, 5:35am Aristarchus Extraordinarly bright, like star Schroter Schroter 1791
1788 Dec 11 Plato Bright area, like thin white cloud Schroter schroter 1791
1788 Aristarchus Brilliant spots Bode Bode 1792b; Houzeau and Lancaster 1964 ed.
1789 Jan 10 N/A Lunar “volcano” Seyffer Seyffer 1789; Houzeau and Lancaster 1964 ed.
1789 Mar 29-30 Grimaldi, and near Riccioli Two flickering spots on E edge of Grimaldi, and near Riccioli on dark side of moon a bright spot Schroter Schroter 1789, 1791; Houzeau and Lancaster 1964 ed.
1789 Mar 29-31 Aristarchus Nebulous bright area Schroter Schroter 1791
1789 Mar Near Aristarchus Brilliant spots near Aristarchus; luminous spots on dark side Bode Bode 1788-89, 1789, 1793; Houzeau and Lancaster 1964 ed.
1789 Apr Near Aristarchus Brilliant spots near Aristarchus; luminous spots on dark side Bode Bode 1788-89, 1789, 1793; Houzeau and Lancaster 1964 ed.
1789 May Near Aristarchus Brilliant spots near Aristarchus; luminous spots on dark side Bode Bode 1788-89, 1789, 1793; Houzeau and Lancaster 1964 ed.
1789 Sep 26 Mont Blanc; 15 min Small speck of light at foot of mountain, like 5th mag star Schroter Pickering 1902; Webb 1962 ed., p.113
1790 Jan 17 Aristarchus region Small, hazy spot of light Schroter Schroter 1791
1790 Feb 15-18 Aristarchus region Small, hazy spot of light Schroter Schroter 1791
1790 Mar 19 Aristarchus region Small, hazy spot of light Schroter Schroter 1791
1790 Oct 22 N/A During total eclipse, Herschel saw at least 150 small, round, bright, red luminous points. (Mid-eclipse, lunar, Oct 23, 00h41m.) W.Herschel Herschel 1912 ed.; Klado 1965
1792 Feb 24 N/A Cusps of moon showed signs of atmosphere Schroter Webb 1962 ed., p.97
1792 Aristarchus Many ocassions; special appearance Bode Bode 1792a
1792 Dark side Brilliant spots Schroter Schroter 1792a, 1792b
1794 Mar 7 Dark side; 15 min Appearance of light like a star seen in dark part of the moon W.Wilkins, Stretton Wilkins 1794; Stretton 1794; Maskelyne 1795; Moore 1953; Houzeau and Lancaster 1964 ed.
1797 Mar 2 Promontorium Heraclides, vicinity “Observations of a volcano on the moon” Caroché Caroché 1799; Houzeau and Lancaster 1964 ed.
1797 Jul 2 Mare Vaporum Vapors resembling mountain Schroter, Olber Klein 1879
1799 Dark side Bright spots on dark side, seen during five different lunations Piazzi Piazzi 1800; Houzeau and Lancaster 1964 ed.; Treanor and O’Connell 1965


Lunar Events – 1800s
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Date & Time
Feature or Location;
1820 Oct 17 S of Sinus Iridum Brilliant spots in Mare Imbrium S of Sinus Iridum Luthmer Luthmer 1824
1821 Feb 5-6 Aristarchus, vicinity Luminous appearance on dark side; 6th to 7th mag, 3′ to 4′ diameter Kater, Olbers, Browne Kater 1821; Olbers 1822, 1824; Gauss 1874; Houzeau and Lancaster 1964 ed.
1821 Apr 7 Posidonius Appeared without shadow Gruithuisen Webb 1962 ed., p.110
1821 May 4-6 Aristarchus, vicinity Bright spot on dark side, <1′ diameter Ward, Baily Ward 1822; Baily 1822
1821 Jul 25 Dark side Brilliant flashing spots Gruithuisen Gruithuisen 1824
1821 Nov 28, ~20h00m Dark side Variable bright spot like 6th mag star Fallows Fallows 1822
1822 Jan 27 Aristarchus, vicinity Bright spot like 8th mag star F.G.W. Struve Struve 1823
1822 Jun 22-23 Aristarchus Lunar “volcano” Ruppell Ruppell 1822
1822 N/A “Volcanoes” on the moon; several occasions Flaugergues Flaugergues 1822
1822 N/A Lunar “volcano” Zach Zach 1822
1824 May 1 Near Aristarchus Blinking light, 9th to 10th mag on dark side Gobel Gobel 1826
1824 Oct 18 Aristarchus, vicinity Mingling of all kinds of colors in small spots in the W and NW of Aristarchus Gruithuisen Gruithuisen 1824; Fauth 1899
1824 Oct 20, 05h00m Dark side, Mare Nubium Bright area 100 x 20 km Gruithuisen Flammarion 1884; Azevado 1962
1824 Dec 8 Plato Bright fleck in SE part of crater Gruithuisen Sirius 1879
1825 Apr 8 Plato W part of crater brighter than E part Gruithuisen Sirius 1879
1825 Apr 22 Aristarchus and vicinity Periodic illumination Argelander, Gobel Argelander 1826, Gobel 1826
1825 Dec 1, 23h45m Ptolemaeus Bright spot Schwabe Sel.J. 1880
1826 Apr 12, 20h00m Mare Crisium Black moving haze or cloud Emmett Emmett 1826; Capron 1879
1826 Apr 13, 20h00m Mare Crisium; 1 hr Cloud less intense Emmett Capron 1879
1832 Jul 4 Mare Crisium Speckled with minute dots and streaks of light T.W. Webb Astr.Reg. 1882; Webb 1962 ed., p.105
1832 Dec 25 Aristarchus, vicinity Bright spot C.P. Smyth Smyth 1836
1835 Dec 22, 18h30m Near Aristarchus Bright spot, 9th to 10th mag C.P. Smyth Smyth 1836
1836 Feb 13 Messier Two straight lines of light; a band between covered with luminous points Gruithuisen Sci. Amer. Supp. Vol.7
1839 Jun 24 Grimaldi Smoky-gray mist Gruithuisen B.A.A. Mem. 1895
1839 Jul 7 South Pole Twilight Gruithuisen B.A.A. Mem. 1895
1839 Jul 19 Schroter Dark mist Gruithuisen B.A.A. Mem. 1895
1842 Jul 8, 07h02m N/A During solar eclipse, moon’s disk occasionally crossed by bright streaks N/A Wullerstorff 1846; Zantedeschi 1846
1843 Jul 4 Peak S of Alps On terminator saw an unusually bright spot that glowed like a fixed star Gerling Gerling 1845; Sirius 1888
1844 Apr 25 SW of Pico A bluish glimmering patch of light, not quite within the night side of the moon J.Schmidt Sel.J. 1878
1847 Mar 18, 19 Dark side Large luminous spots on dark side Rankin, Chevalier Rankin 1847; Houzeau and Lancaster 1964 ed.
1847 Dec 11, 18h00m Teneriffe Mts. A bright spot about 1/4-ang diam of Saturn was perceived which, though it varied in intensity like an intermittent light, was at all times visible (dark side) Hodgson Hodgson 1848
1848 Mar 19 N/A During eclipse rapid changes in …. (wording illegible) Gorjan M.N. 1847-48
1849 Feb 11 Posidonius Without normal shadow J.Schmidt Webb 1962 ed., p.110
1854 Dec 27 Teneriffe Mts. (near Plato); 5 hr Two luminous fiery spots on bright side. “… an appearance I had never seen before on the surface of the moon though I have observed her often these last 40 years …. It appeared to me from the brightness of the light and the contrast of colour to be two active volcanoes or 2 mouth of one in action.” Hart Hart 1855
1855 Jun 20 N/A Traces of twilight seen. Webb gives low weight to observation “for want of better optical means.” Webb Webb 1962 ed., p.97
1862 Jun 12, 06h19m N/A “During [lunar] eclipse, the E [IAU:W] side dark brick red and something seemed to oscillate before it.” At the mid-eclipse on the S side, “a very small meniscus was seen nearly the color of the uneclipsed moon.” N/A Liais 1865
1864 May 15 and Oct 16 Mare Crisium, E of Picard Bright cloud Ingall Ingall 1864
1864 N/A Bright spot Birt Birt Birt 1864
1865 Jan 1 SE of Plato; 30 min Bright spot like 4th mag star slightly out of focus. Bright speck remained changeless for 30 min, and its light was steady. Grover Grover 1866; Webb 1962 ed., p.114
1865 Apr 10 Mare Crisium, E of Picard Point of light like star. Whole of Mare Crisium intersected with bright veins, mixed with bright spots of light. Aperture 4-1/2 in.; 4 hr before full moon Ingall Astr. Reg. 1866
1865 Sep 5 Mare Crisium, E of Picard Point of light like star, with misty cloud Ingall Astr. Reg. 1866
1865 Nov 24 Carlini; 1 hr 30 min Dark side, distinct bright speck like 8th mag star Williams and two others Webb 1962 ed., p.125
1865 Mare Crisium Dots and streaks of light Slack, Ingall Webb 1962 ed., p.105
1866 Jun 10 Aristarchus Starlike light Tempel Denning, Tel.Work p.121
1866 Jun 14-16 Aristarchus, vicinity Reddish-yellow Tempel Tempel 1867
1866 Dark side Bright spots Hodgson Hodgson 1866
1867 Apr 9, 19h30m – 21h00m Aristarchus, vicinity; 1 hr 30 min Bright spot on dark side, 7th mag, becoming fainter after 20h15m UT Elger Elger 1868
1867 Apr 12, 07h30m – 08h30m Aristarchus, vicinity; 1 hr Bright spot on dark side, 7th mag. Elger Webb 1962
1867 May 6-7 Aristarchus; at least several hours each night Left side of crater, very bright luminous point, appearing like a volcano Flammarion Flammarion 1884
1867 May 7 Aristarchus, vicinity Reddish-yellow, beacon-like light Tempel Tempel 1867; Astr. Reg. 1868
1867 Jun 10 Sulpicius Gallus Three blackish spots Dawes The Student Vol.1
1867 Dark side Bright spots W.O. Williams Williams 1867
1870 May 13 Plato Bright spots, extraordinary display Pratt, Elger Rept. Brit. Assn. 1871
1870 N/A White spots on the moon, “lightning”. Birt Birt 1870
1870 Godin Purplish haze illuminating floor of crater, still in shadow Trouvelot Trouvelot 1882; Moore 1963
1871 Plato Streak of light across floor visible while crater in shadow Elger Sirius 1887
1871 W of Plato Fog or mist Elger, Neison Flammarion 1884
1872 Jul 16 Plato NE portion of floor hazy Pratt Capron 1879
1873 Jan 4 Kant Luminous purplish vapors Trouvelot Trouvelot 1882; Flammarion 1884; Moore 1963
1873 Apr 10 Plato Under high sun, two faint clouds in W part of crater Schmidt Sirius 1879
1873 Nov 1 Plato Unusual appearance Pratt Capron 1879
1874 Jan 1 Plato Unusual appearance Pratt Capron 1879
1877 Feb 20, 09h30m – 10h30m Eudoxus; 1 hr Fine line of light like luminous cable drawn W to E across crater Trouvelot Flammarion 1884; l’Astron. 1885
1877 Feb 27, 19h19m N/A Lunar eclipse. Flickering light on lunar surface Dorna L’Opin. Nazion. 1877
1877 Mar 17, 06h45m N/A Moon’s horns showed traces of atmosphere. Moon 2d16h old (2.75 in. reflector) Dennett Eng. Mech. 1882
1877 Mar 21 Proclus Brilliant illumination Barrett Eng. Mech. 1882
1877 May 15, 20h30m and
May 29, 00h35m
E of Picard Bright spot N/A Eng. Mech. 1882
1877 Jun 17, 22h30m Bessel Minute point of light (seen with 2.75 in. reflector) Dennett Eng. Mech. 1882
1877 Jul 29 Plato S of center of crater, bright streak, disappeared at 2:30am Gray Flammarion 1884
1877 Aug 23-24, 23h10m N/A Lunar eclipse.
(1) Unusual spectrum with strong absorption in yellow.
(2) Two patches of crimson light of short duration
(1) Airy;
(2) Capron, Pratt
(1) Sirius 1878;
(2) Capron 1879
1878 Feb 2, 08h16m At limb Changes in spectrum during solar eclipse suggesting lunar atmosphere Observers at Melbourne, Australia Sirius 1878
1878 Mar 10, 19h20m Mare Crisium White patch E of Picard badly defined Noble Sel. J. 1878
1878 Oct 5, 21h40m Plato Faint bright shimmer like thin white cloud Klein Klein, Woch. fur Astr.; Sirius 1878
1878 Oct 21 3 hr Half of moon’s terminator obliterated Hirst Capron 1879
1878 Nov 1 Messier Obscuration of Messier Klein Pop. Astr. 1902
1878 Nov 9, 21h00m Plato Faint but unmistakable white cloud, not seen before Klein Sirius 1878
1878 Dec 4 Agrippa, Klein’s Object and the oval spot nearby “Odd misty look as if vapour were in or about them.” Capron Capron 1879
1878 E of Picard White patch Birt Eng. Mech. Vol 28
1878 Interior of Tycho Cloudy appearance Birt Eng. Mech. Vol 28
1880 Jan 18 Whole of Mare Nectaris Foggy. Fog extended into the floor of Fracastorius. Gruithuisen said that the seeing was unsatisfactory. Gaudibert Gaudibert 1880
1881 Feb 3, 19h00m Aristarchus (on dark side, limb area) Very bright (~8.0 mag star) with pulsations “Gamma” Sirius 1881
1881 Jul 4, 00h30m N/A “Two pyramidal luminous protuberances appeared on the moon’s limb …. These points were a little darker than the rest of the moon’s face. They slowly faded away ….” Several observers Sci. Amer. 1882
1881 Aug 6-7 Aristarchus region Whole region between Aristarchus and Herodotus and S part of Great Rille (Schroter’s Valley) appeared in strong violet light as if covered with fog Klein Klein 1902
1881 Dec 5, 17h09m Aristarchus During eclipse, Aristarchus was a white spot in the coppery disk and continued so. (Lunar eclipse) S.J. Johnson Johnson 1882; Fisher 1924
1882 Jan 29, 17h00m – 17h30m Eudoxus; 30 min Unusual shadow N/A Sirius 1882
1882 Feb 27, 18h30m – 19h30m and
20h30m – 20h45m
Eudoxus; 1 hr, and 15 min Unusual shadow (on Feb 25, the shadow was normal) N/A Sirius 1882
1882 Mar 27, 18h45m Plato Floor glowed with milky light A.S. Williams Williams 1882
1882 Apr 24 Near Godin and Agrippa Shadows blurred and oscillating. Shadows in Aristoteles steady. Intervals between obscurations, ~10 min Ridd Proc. Liverpool Astr. Soc. 1883
1882 May 19 Just E of Mare Crisium against Prom. Agarum Cloud, not less than 100 mi x 40 or 50 mi; no trace seen on May 20 J.G. Jackson and friends Eng. Mech. 1882; Strol. Astr. 1966; B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.8
1882 Jul 17 Just E of Mare Crisium, against Prom. Agarum Feathery mist or cloud J.G. Jackson Strol. Astr. 1966
1882 Nov 7, 09h00m Dark limb Line of light around dark limb, attributed to atmosphere, well seen, equally bright throughout length. Age of moon 26.5 days Hopkins Sirius 1884
1883 Mar 12, 20h00m Dark limb Line of light (see 1882 Nov 7) well seen Hopkins Sirius 1884
1883 Mar 12 Taruntius and environs Peculiar blurred appearance. Unmistakable variations in the sharpness of the shadows of the ring plain Davies Proc. Liverpool Astr. Soc. 1883; B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No 10
1883 May Edge of Mare Crisium Light mist or cloud J.G. Jackson Flammarion 1884
1883 Nov 5, ~18h00m Aristarchus Very bright (~7.0-8.0 mag star) “R” Sirius 1883
1884 Feb 5 Kepler Illumination in Kepler Morales l’Astron. Vol.9
1884 Oct 4, ~22h03m Tycho During eclipse, bright spot like a star of the 2nd mag. (Lunar eclipse) Parsehian Parsehian 1885; Fisher 1924
1884 Nov 29, 19h00m – 21h00m Aristarchus; 2 hr Nebulous at center; elsewhere features well defined Hislop Sirius 1885
1885 Feb 19 Small crater near Hercules Small crater was dull red with vivid contrast Gray l’Astron. Vol.4; Knowledge Vol.7
1885 Feb 21 Cassini Red patches Knopp l’Astron. Vol.4
1885 Jun 10 Aristarchus Starlike light Tempel Pop. Astr. 1932
1886 Sep 6 Plato Streak of light on dark floor of crater in shadow (67 mm refl.) Valderama Sirius 1887
1887 Feb 1, ~17h00m Plato Appearance of light in crater Kruger Sirius 1887
1887 Feb 2 La Hire Intense yellow streak that cast shadows around neighbouring features Klein Sirius 1903
1888 Jul 15 S edge of Alps on dark side of moon “Lunar volcano”; ~1 mag star. Yellow light tinged with red from refractor’s secondary spectrum Holden Sirius 1888
1888 Nov 23, 17h15m 45 min A triangular patch of light (seen with 3 1/2 in. refractor and 180 x mag) von Speissen and others Sirius
1889 Mar 30 Copernicus Black spot Gaudibert l’Astron. 1889
1889 May 11 Gassendi Black spot on rim N/A l’Astron. 1889
1889 Jun 6, 22h00m Plato B and D (Schmidt’s designation) Two extremely bright spots (8 in. refractor) Evon Lade Sirius 1889
1889 Jul 12, ~20h52m Aristarchus During lunar eclipse, brilliance in surrounding gloom was striking Krueger Krueger 1889; Fisher 1924
1889 Sep 3 Alpetragius; 30 min “Central peak, its shadow and all the floor seem to be seen through haze.” Barnard Barnard 1892
1889 Sep 13 Plinius White spot over central peak Thury Thury 1889a, 1889b
1889 Oct 3-4 Alpetragius Hazy Barnard Barnard 1892
1890 Oct 3, ~22h00m Posidonius Unusual shadow Meller Sirius 1890
1891 May 23, ~18h20m Aristarchus region Lunar eclipse, half hour before end of totality, Aristarchus and region immediately N of it became conspicuous and increased in brightness from that time on W.E. Jackson Jackson 1890-91; Fisher 1924
1891 Sep 16 Schroter’s Valley “Dense clouds of white vapour were apparently arising from its bottom and pouring over its SE [IAU:SW] wall in the direction of Herodotus.” W.H. Pickering Pickering 1903
1891 Sep 17, 18, 23, 25 Schroter’s Valley Apparent volcanic activity W.H. Pickering Pickering 1903
1891 Oct 14 Schroter’s Valley Apparent volcanic activity W.H. Pickering Pickering 1903
1891 Nov 7 Aristarchus Very distinct luminous point d’Adjuda l’Astron. Vol.11
1892 Mar 31 Thales Pale luminous haze Barnard Barnard 1892
1892 May 10 Schroter’s Valley Apparent volcanic activity W.H. Pickering Pickering 1903
1892 May 11, ~22h53m N/A During partial lunar eclipse, extension of earth’s shadow beyond the cusps N/A Sirius 1892
1893 Jan 30 Schroter’s Valley Apparent volcanic activity W.H. Pickering Pickering 1903
1893 Apr 1 N/A Shaft of light de Moraes l’Astron. Vol.13
1894 Feb 23 Henke (now Daniell) and N wall of Posidonius Strong brownish-red coppery hue in Henke and also on N wall of Posidonius Krieger Sirius 1895
1895 Mar 11, 03h42m N/A During lunar eclipse, very striking color in SE quadrant Foulkes B.A.A. Mem. 1895
1895 May 2,
(1)~12-14 min
(1) Streak of light.
(2) Bright parallel bands in center
(1)Sirius 1895, 1897;
(2)Sirius 1896, 1897
1895 Sep 25 N/A Shaft of light Gaboreau l’Astron. Vol.13
1896 Macrobius Penumbral fringe to shadow Goodacre Firsoff 1962 ed., p.90
1897 Jun 14 Schroter’s Valley Apparent volcanic activity W.H. Pickering Pickering 1903
1897 Sep 21, 23h00m Aristarchus Glimmering streaks Molesworth Goodacre 1931
1897 Oct 8, 10, 13, 15 Schroter’s Valley Apparent volcanic activity W.H. Pickering Pickering 1903
1897 Dec 9 Wm. Humboldt Light chocolate border to shadow on E wall Goodacre B.A.A. Mem. 1898
1898 Jan 8, 00h30m Tycho region About mid-eclipse, shadow so dense that details of surface disappeared entirely, except that bright ray extending SSW from Tycho was clearly visible throughout its whole extent and continued so throughout eclipse. (Lunar eclipse) Chevremont Chevremont 1898; Fisher 1924
1898 Apr 6-8 Schroter’s Valley Apparent volcanic activity W.H. Pickering Pickering 1903
1898 Jul 3, 21h47m Proclus Half hour after mid-eclipse, the crater shone with reddish light in shadow. (Lunar Eclipse) Moye Moye 1898; Fisher 1924
1898 Dec 27, ~23h38m Aristarchus During eclipse, Aristarchus brilliant (Lunar eclipse) Stuyvaert Niesten and Stuyvaert 1898-99; Fisher 1924


Lunar Events – 1900-1967
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Date & Time
Feature or Location;
1901 Oct 25 Marius A number of light streaks noticed on the crater floor. (Usually none are seen) Bolton Bolton 1901
1902 Aug 13, 00h50m Near Lambert (1) Brilliant starlike point;
(2) completely round bright area, on dark side of moon’s terminator, mag 3 or 4
Jones (1) Pickering 1902;
(2) Sirius 1903
1902 Oct 16 Theaetetus Cloud near Theaetetus Charbonneaux Charbonneaux 1902
1903 Mar 1 Aristarchus Intermittent light “like a little star” Rey Rey 1903
1903 Mar 3 Aristarchus Intermittent light “like a little star” Gheury Bull. Soc. Astr. France
1904 Jul 31 Plato Bright hazy object 2″ diameter on crater floor Pickering Pickering 1906
1904 Oct 2, 13h00m; 16h00m Plato Total or partial obscuration of crater floor Elger, Klein, Hodge, Goodacre Goodacre 1931; Webb 1962 ed.; Green 1965
1905 Feb 19, ~19h03m Aristarchus During eclipse, bright spot shining in the dark as a little star. (Lunar eclipse) Moye Moye and Russell 1905; Fisher 1924
1905 Aug 15, ~03h39m Tycho Visible, even brilliant during eclipse Rey Sforza 1905; Fisher 1924
1906 Aug 4, ~12h58m Aristarchus Shone conspicuously during lunar eclipse Ward Ward 1906-07; Fisher 1924
1906 Mare Humorum N/A Flammarion Azevado 1962
1906 Mare Serenitatis N/A Dubois, Flammarion Azevado 1962
1906 Lichtenberg N/A Flammarion Azevado 1962
1906 Alphonsus N/A Flammarion Azevado 1962
1907 Jan 22 Plato Glow of light in part of Plato Fauth Fauth 1907
1909 Tycho False dawn Mellish Mellish 1909
1909 Mersenius Dimly lighted zone W of shadow Merlin Merlin 1909
1912 Apr 1, ~22h15m Tycho Visible like a bright spot standing out in the dark slate-gray shadow. Only Tycho was seen during the lunar eclipse LeRoy LeRoy 1912; Fisher 1924
1912 May 19 Dark side Small red glowing area noticed on shadow side of moon Valier Valier 1912
1912 May 20 Leibnitz Mts. area Glowing line of light into dark side Franks Franks obs. book
1912 Sep 25 Pico B Haze spreading from W end of crater Pickering Rawstron 1937
1913 Mar 22, ~11h57m N/A During eclipse totality, there remained visible to the NW only a luminous point not much larger than the planet Mars and of the same color (Lunar eclipse) G.Jackson Jackson 1913; Fisher 1924
1913 Jun 15 South Distinct small reddish spot Maw Webb 1962 ed.
1915 Jan 31 Littrow Seven white spots arranged like a Greek gamma Burgess Eng. Mech. Vol. 101
1915 Apr 21 S of Posidonius Noticed special occurrence S of large circle Posidonius which he took as evidence of water vapor Houdard Houdard 1917
1915 Apr 23 Clavius Narrow, straight beam of light from crater A to crater B Cook B.A.A. Mem. 1916
1915 Dec 11 Mare Crisium Particularly bright spot like star on N shore Thomas Eng. Mech. Vol.103
1916 Oct 10 Plato Pickering’s craterlet No.59 involved in reddish shadow and disappeared. Usually distinctly seen under similar illumination. Maggini Sci. Amer. 1919
1917 Jan 8, ~07h45m Dionysius Point on rim of crater shone like a small star for sometime after entering the eclipse shadow (Lunar eclipse) W.F.A. Ellison Ellison 1917; Fisher 1924
1919 Nov 7, ~23h45m Tycho, vicinity Long ray in direction of Longomontanus remained visible glowing in weak gray-green light during whole eclipse (until clouds stopped observation) (Lunar eclipse) Fock Fock 1920; Fisher 1924
1920 Near Vitruvius Some peaks varied considerably in brightness Franks Wilkins and Moore 1958
1922 Nov 28 La Hire; 20 min Shadow cut through by white streak H.P. Wilkins Wilkins 1954
1927 May 12 Peirce A (Wilkins’ Graham) Complete obscuration of crater H.P. Wilkins Moore 1953; Green 1965
1927 Dec 23, 22h00m Peirce A (Wilkins’ Graham) Invisible H.P. Wilkins H.P. Wilkins obs. book
1931 Feb 22 Aristarchus Reddish-yellow Joulia Joulia 1931
1931 Mar 27 Tycho Central mountain gray although crater interior was in full shadow Barker Moore 1953; Green 1965
1931 Aristarchus Bluish glare Goodacre, Molesworth Goodacre 1931
1932 Apr 15, 06h57m Plato Sudden appearance of white spot like cloud Goddard and friend Pop. Astr. 1932
1933 Mar 30 Aristarchus region White Douillet Douillet 1933
1933 Sep 1 Neighbourhood of Pico, and Pico B Haze observed Rawstron Rawstron 1937
1933 Oct 1 Neighbourhood of Pico, and Pico B Haze observed Rawstron Rawstron 1937
1936 May 4 Eratosthenes Detected small bright spots on crater floor Martz Haas 1942
1936 Oct 4 Eratosthenes Many small bright spots on crater floor, some of which Martz detected, but Johnson drew bright bands in their positions Haas Haas 1942
1936 Oct 25 Eratosthenes Small bright spots on floor of crater Haas Haas 1942
1937 Feb 14 Cassini Bright spot Andrenko Azevado 1962
1937 Sep 17 Aristarchus Bright streak H.M. Johnson Haas 1942
1937 Sep 28 Riccioli Color of dark area was deep purple; next night same with vivid hue Haas Haas 1942
1937 Oct 26 Alphonsus, Herschel, and Ptolemaeus Milky floors Alter Alter 1959
1937 Dec 12 Plato Strongly marked streak of orange-brown on E wall Barker Barker 1940
1938 Jan 16-17 Plato Brownish gold-veined surface of color irregularly laid on smooth floor of crater Barker Barker 1940
1938 Feb 14 Plato Golden-brown spot on E wall very prominent, with a yellowish glow without a definite boundary spreading over floor of crater Fox Barker 1940
1939 Feb 23 Aristarchus Bright spot Andrenko Azevado 1962
1939 Mar 29, 19h00m Copernicus; 15 min Central mountain group seen distinctly as diffuse light spot. Sunrise on peaks did not begin until 22h00m Wilkins Wilkins 1954
1939 Aug 2, 00h10m Schickard Dense fog Moore Wilkins and Moore 1958; Firsoff 1962 ed., p.80
1939 Oct 19 Macrobius Floor of crater reddish-brown, a hue ordinarily absent Barcroft Haas 1942
1939 Dec 27 Aristarchus Slight bluish tinge on the still brilliant W wall Barcroft Haas 1942; Firsoff 1962 ed., p.84
1940 May 20, 20h00m Schickard Whitish obscuration; less dense than 1939 Aug 2 Moore Moore obs. book
1940 Jun 14 Plato Two hazy streaks of medium intensity, much complex detail Haas Haas 1942
1940 Jul 14 Tycho Curious faint milky-looking luminosity seen. Luminous marks in shadow were ragged-edged and irregularly shaped Haas Haas 1942
1940 Oct 19 Lichtenberg area Pronounced reddish-brown or orange color around area. Found color less marked next night, and slight by Oct 22 Barcroft Haas 1942; Strol. Astr. 1951
1940 Oct 29 Cusps Prolongation of N horn by 15 degrees Vaughan Firsoff 1962 ed., p.127
1940 Dec 2 Aristarchus Distinguished crater in dark hemisphere as a bright spot Vaughan Haas 1942
1940 Dec 9 Tycho Found some luminosity on W crater rim of W outer slope Barcroft Haas 1942
1940 Dec 25 Cusps “Each horn appeared prolonged by about 10 degrees” Haas Firsoff 1962 ed., p.127
1941 Jan 6 Arzachel Anomalous shadow Barcroft Azevado 1962; Wilkins 1954
1941 Feb 6 Conon Faint bright spot, not too definite in outline, seen on crater floor Vaughan Haas 1942
1941 Mar 6 Cusps Prolongation suspected Barcroft Firsoff 1962 ed., p.127
1941 Mar 31 Aristarchus Crater perceived by earthshine (Haas thought it must have been unusually brilliant) Barcroft Haas 1942
1941 Jul 10 Gassendi, and near Hansteen Moving luminous speck near Hansteen; estimated diameter 0.1″, mag +8 (lunar meteor?) Haas Wilkins and Moore 1958, p.281; Azevado 1962
1942 Feb 2, 18h20m – 19h15m W of Kepler; 55 min Whitish glow near earthlit limb Y.W.L. Fisher Wilkins and Moore 1958, p.271
1942 Aug 26 Atlas Dark areas faded in crater Haas Haas 1965
1944 Apr 4 Hyginus N (Klein N) Much darker than usual Wilkins Moore 1953, p.144; Green 1965
1944 Aug 12, 23h00m Plato Exceptional darkness of crater floor, three light spots noted at foot of E wall. Although no light streaks were visible, there was a large and conspicuous spot near the center. Since this spot has been noted as slightly but definitely rimmed all round, Wilkins suggested that temporary dark cloud or vapor may have covered true floor up to level of rim. Wilkins Wilkins 1944
1944 Aug 31 Schickard Mist on crater floor Wilkins Wilkins and Moore 1958
1945 Oct 19, 11h23m50s Plato Bright flash on crater floor near E wall Thornton Green 1965; Thornton 1945
1945 Oct 19 Darwin Three brilliant points of light on wall Moore Wilkins 1954
1947 Jan 30 Eratosthenes Without normal shadow H. Hill Wilkins and Moore 1958
1947 Aug 28 SE of Langrenus Mountain on limb very decidedly bluish Baum Wilkins 1954
1947 Nov 30 Aristarchus Bright spots on inner W slopes Favarger Wilkins 1954
1948 Feb 17 Dawes Central peak not seen, but cleft-like marking from SW crest towards E shadow Thornton Contrib. by Moore
1948 Apr 14 N/A Prolongation of southern cusp Wilkins Wilkins 1954
1948 Apr 15 30 degrees N of Grimaldi on W limb Bright spot on earthlit W limb 30 degrees N of Grimaldi and estimated equal to a 3rd mag star Vince J.B.A.A. 1948
1948 May 20 NE of Philolaus; 15 min Red glow Baum Firsoff 1962 ed., p.82
1948 Jul 21-22 Mare Crisium; several hours Almost featureless apart from Picard, Peirce Moore Moore obs. book
1948 Jul 27 Promontorium Heraclides Blurred and misty Moore, Docherty Moore obs. book
1948 Aug 8 Dark side A small bright flash on earthlit portion … like a bright sparkle of frost on the ground Woodward Moore 1953
1948 Aug 16 E of Picard; several hours Two areas E of Picard appeared featureless Moore J.B.A.A. 1949
1948 Oct 8 Barker’s Quadrangle Nebulous white patch in place of Quadrangle Moore Moore obs. book
1948 Oct 19 Promontorium Heraclides Blurred Docherty Contrib. by Moore
1949 Feb 7, 18h00m Kepler White glow near Kepler Y.W.I. Fisher Contrib. by Moore
1949 Feb 9 Barker’s Quadrangle Quadrangle not seen … appeared misty Moore Moore obs. book
1949 Feb 10 Schroter’s Valley near Cobrahead Diffuse patch of thin smoke or vapor from W side of Schroter’s Valley near Cobrahead, spreading into plain; detail indistinct, hazy (surrounding area clear) Thornton Wilkins and Moore 1958, p.263
1949 Mar 3, 20h00m Barker’s Quadrangle Whole area hazy Moore Moore obs. book
1949 May 1 Aristarchus Visible in earthshine, glowing suddenly as diffuse light patch Wilkins Wilkins 1954
1949 Oct 7, ~02h54m Aristarchus Abnormally bright during lunar eclipse G.Brown, Hare Contrib. by Moore
1949 Nov 3, 01h06m Aristarchus Blue glare, base inner W wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967


Date & Time
Feature or Location;
1950 Jun 27, 02h30m Aristarchus Blue glare, base inner W wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1950 Jun 27 Herodotus Bright point in crater Bartlett Strol. Astr. 1962
1950 Jun 28, 03h27m Aristarchus Blue glare, rim of W wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1950 Jun 29, 05h30m Aristarchus Strong bluish glare; E, SE wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1950 Jul 26, 02h52m Aristarchus Blue glare, base inner W wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1950 Jul 31, 04h50m Aristarchus Violet glare, E, NE rim Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1950 Aug 28, 04h25m Aristarchus Intense blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1951 Jan 21 E of Lichtenberg Red patch Baum Strol. Astr. 1951
1951 Feb 4, 21h00m – 23h00m W of Endymion; 2hr Mist over peak Baum Baum 1966
1951 May 17 Gassendi Bright speck of short duration Wilkins Moore 1953, p.118
1951 Aug 20 W.H. Pickering (Messier A) Brilliant white patch inside crater Moore Moore 1953, p.147
1951 Oct 20 W.H. Pickering (Messier A) Bright circular patch Moore Moore obs. book
1952 Apr 3 N/A Twenty-one spots were charted, one surrounded by a light area, while three streaks were seen in the NW quarter. Wilkins, Moore Wilkins and Moore 1958
1952 Apr 4 Plato Obscuration of crater floor Cragg Moore 1953, 1965
1952 Sep 9, 23h00m Calippus Broad hazy band of light across floor (observer gave observation low weight Moore Moore obs. book
1952 Dec 24 Theaetetus Hazy line of light Moore Wilkins and Moore 1958, p.238
1953 Apr 18 N/A Faint extension of cusps Wilkins Wilkins 1954
1953 Nov 15, 02h00m Near Pallas Very bright spot on illuminated part near terminator seen and photographed Stuart Strolling Astr. 1956; Stuart 1957
1954 Mar 23 Atlas Violet tint in Atlas Delmotte Delmotte
1954 May 10 Crater in Ptolemaeus Flash Firsoff Firsoff 1962 ed., p.53
1954 May 11, 20h00m Eratosthenes Central mountain group invisible, though surrounding details very clear Cattermole Contrib. by Moore
1954 Jul 14, 04h39m Aristarchus E wall bright spot; violet glare Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Jul 16, 05h35m Aristarchus Whole interior of strong violet ting; violet tint in nimbus and N and NE of crater Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Jul 17, 07h05m Aristarchus Pale violet tint on surface NE of crater; no color elsewhere Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Jul 24, 07h19m Aristarchus Crater filled with pale violet light Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Aug 11, 22h00m Aristarchus Brilliant in red (filter), variable Firsoff Firsoff 1966
1954 Aug 18 Aristarchus Brilliant blue-violet glare over E and NE walls Bartlett Contrib. by Moore
1954 Sep 8, 20h00m Proclus Brightness variation in blue light Firsoff Firsoff 1962 ed., p.83
1954 Oct 8, 10 Timocharis Red glow Firsoff Firsoff 1962, 1966
1954 Oct 11, 04h57m Aristarchus Violet tint on floor, E wall and central peak; intermittent Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Oct 12, 01h32m Aristarchus Pale violet radiance; S wal, SE, E, NE walls; central peak Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Oct 12, 04h09m Aristarchus Strong violet tint E half of floor; very faint W half of floor and W wall. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Oct 13, 02h00m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet glare, E rim; pale violet radiance within crater and around S wall bright spot. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau. Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Oct 13, 05h15m Aristarchus Scarcely perceptible violet radiance within crater; wall bands look faint Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Oct 18, 06h47m Aristarchus Strong blue-violet glare, E wall bright spot, E wall and on central peak Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Nov 5 Copernicus Bright point Johnstone Strol. Astr. 1962
1954 Nov 7, 23h20m Kepler Bright point just outside E wall Lugo J.B.A.A. 1955
1954 Nov 12, 02h42m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot and whole length of E wall. Suspected violet tint in N and NE of crater; Certainly on plateau. Greatly faded by 05h07m Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Dec 12, 02h44m Aristarchus Strong violet glare, E rim, changing to brown Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Jan 8, 00h46m Aristarchus Strong violet glare whole length of E rim; brightest SE and around E wall bright spot Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Jan 12, 04h54m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Apr 2, 03h20m – 05h00m Straight-wall region; ~1 hr 40 min Small craters between Birt and fault invisible at times under excellent viewing conditions, while craterlets on E side were continually observed Capen Capen 1955, 1967
1955 Apr 5, 03h20m Aristarchus E wall and glacis; violet; uncertain Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Apr 24 Near Posidonius White flash of short duration N of Mare Serenitatis near Posidonius Wykes Strol. Astr. 1955
1955 May 5, 03h30m Aristarchus Pale violet tint in E half of floor; violet band at base, E side of central peak Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 May 7-8 Lictenberg N/A Nicolini Azevado 1962
1955 May 24 Near South Pole “Glitter” suggesting electrical discharge Firsoff Firsoff 1962 ed., p.131
1955 Jun 25, 20h30m Theophilus Mistiness; absent the next night Firsoff Firsoff 1962 ed., p.84
1955 Jul 3, 22h00m Schroter’s Valley Starlike point Firsoff Firsoff 1962 ed., Pl.X
1955 Jul 13 Aristarchus Brilliant in blue and green Firsoff Firsoff 1966
1955 Aug 3, 04h50m Aristarchus Plateau only; pale violet tint Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Aug 3 Manilius, Timocharis Manilius extraordinarily brilliant; Timocharis bright in blue, appears large and diffuse Firsoff Firsoff 1966
1955 Aug 26 Near Carpathians; ~35 sec Bright flare on dark side similar to 2nd mag star McCorkle Sky and Tel. 1955
1955 Aug 30, 03h40m Aristarchus Floor, base inner W wall, NW wall; faint bluish glare Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Sep 7, 03h20m Copernicus Brightened in blue Firsoff Firsoff 1966
1955 Sep 7, 04h52m Aristarchus Strong blue-violet glare; E, NE rim; also E base of central peak. Dark violet, nimbus. Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Sep 8, 04h32m Aristarchus Strong bluish glare on E, NE wall, on S edge of E wall bright spot, and bordering both edges of the bright floor band, passing around W of central peak. Dark violet tint in nimbus. Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Sep 8 Taurus Mountains Two flashes from edge of Taurus Mountains Lambert Sky and Tel. 1955
1955 Sep 9, 02h58m Aristarchus Floor; blue clay color Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Sep 28, 23h00m Cobrahead Obscured by brown patch Bestwick Contrib. by Moore
1955 Oct 2, 05h42m Aristarchus Violet glare, E, NE rim. Over E wall bright spot resembled a violet mist. Crater itself was hazy; could not get sharp focus. Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Oct 4, 04h55m Aristarchus Pale violet tint; E wall bright spot and whole length of E rim; dark violet in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Oct 4 Aristarchus Spectrum enhanced in H and K region Kozyrev Kozyrev 1957
1955 Oct 5, 03h44m Aristarchus Intensely bright blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Oct 31, 00h40m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet glare, E, NE rim; dark violet hue in nimbus; pale violet radiance over plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Oct 31, 04h50m Aristarchus Intense blue-violet glare, E, NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Oct 31, 19h00m Cobrahead Dark blue obscuration Milligan Contrib. by Moore
1955 Nov 1, 03h18m Aristarchus Pale violet tint; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim, dark violet hue in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Nov 6, 05h50m Aristarchus Strong blue-violet glare, E, NE wall. Dark violet hue in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Nov 27, 02h48m Aristarchus Floor; blue clay color Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Plato N/A Sytinskaya Azevado 1962
1955 Aristarchus N/A Sytinskaya Azevado 1962
1955 Tycho N/A Sytinskaya Azevado 1962
1956 Jan 24 W edge of Cavendish; ~10 min Variable point of light Houghton, Warner Strol. Astr. 1955
1956 Jan 27, 01h18m Aristarchus Violet glare whole length of E wall and around E wall bright spot; violet tint N and NE of crater Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Jan 28, 02h33m Aristarchus Pale violet radiance; E, NE rim Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Mar 14, 19h00m N/A Twilight at S cusp traced 400 mi. beyond cusp. No trace of twilight at N pole. 6 1/2 inch reflector used. Moon 2 1/2 days old Firsoff J.B.A.A. 1956
1956 Mar 18 N/A Anomalous dimming of Tau and 105 Tau before occultation Firsoff J.B.A.A. 1956
1956 Jun 20, 03h39m Aristarchus Blue glare, base inner W wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Jun 26, 07h42m Aristarchus Intense blue-violet glare; on E wall bright spot. Dark violet in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Jun 28, 05h35m Aristarchus Intense blue-violet glare, E wall bright spot. Dark violet, nimbus. Pale violet N and NE of crater and on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Jun 29, 06h10m Aristarchus Faint, blue-violet tint; E wall bright spot Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Jun 30, 06h55m Aristarchus Vivid blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Jul 28, 05h40m Aristarchus Vivid blue-violet glare on central peak, band across E floor to E wall bright spot; on E wall bright spot and E, NE wall. Absent by 07h20m. Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Oct 16, 02h34m Aristarchus Blue glare, base inner W wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Oct 20, 00h45m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet glare on E wall bright spot, E, NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Oct 26 Alphonsus A suspected partial obscuration of the floor based on differences in detail in infrared and ultraviolet photographs Alter Alter 1956, 1959
1956 Nov 15, 01h17m Aristarchus Faint blue radiance, base inner W wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Nov 16, 03h33m Aristarchus Floor; bright bluish tint E of central peak; blue-gray W of central peak Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Nov 17-18 Aristarchus, Tycho, Kepler, Proclus, Manilius, Byrgius Extraordinarily bright Argentiere, et al Azevado 1962
1956 Tycho N/A Dubois Azevado 1962
1956 Mare Humorum N/A Vigroux Azevado 1962
1957 Mar 17, 06h24m Aristarchus Strong violet glare; E wall bright spot and whole length of E wall. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Mar 18, 06h43m Aristarchus Strong violet glare; E wall bright spot, E wall. Very strong violet hue in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Jun 11, 04h48m Aristarchus Floor; uniform bluish radiance Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Jul 11, 05h40m Aristarchus Pale violet radiance in crater and on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Aug 18, 06h58m Aristarchus Pale blue tint on all walls; floor dazzling white Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Oct 11, 03h15m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Oct 12, 02h40m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE, N, NW walls. Dark violet nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Oct 12 Aristarchus; 1 hr Bright flash; then brownish eccentric patch Dachille and daughter Cameron 1965
1957 Oct 13, 04h00m Aristarchus Weak violet glare; whole length of E wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Oct 13 In or near Aristarchus Bright spot of light (“explosion”) Haas Haas 1957
1957 Oct 15, 05h45m Aristarchus Strong blue-violet glare, whole length of E wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Oct 16, 06h00m Aristarchus Faint blue-gray tint; N, NW, W floor and walls Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 May 1, 03h00m Aristarchus Entire sunlit area of floor, bluish Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 May 4, 06h28m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare S side of E wall bright spot; dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 May 31, 03h40m Aristarchus Pale blue-gray floor; violet band E base of central peak Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 Jun 29, 04h04m Aristarchus Floor; very pale bluish tint Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 Jul 2, 06h29m Aristarchus Strong violet glare whole length of E wall, involving E wall bright spot; dark violet, nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 Jul 3, 07h06m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet glare; E, NE rim. Dark violet, nimbus; pale violet, plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 Aug 2, 06h15m Aristarchus Strong violet glare; E wall bright spot, NE wall. Dark violet, nimbus. Strong violet, plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 Sep 1, 07h27m Aristarchus Whole crater filled with pale violet radiance, especially bright on walls. Pale violet N and NE of crater and on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 Sep 23 Piton Became enveloped in an obscuring cloud-like mist Moore Moore obs. book
1958 Oct 16 N of Mare Crisium Bright spot in dark area of moon Mayemson Mayemson 1965
1958 Nov 3, 03h00m Alphonsus Reddish glow, followed by effusion of gas Kozyrev Kozyrev 1959, 1963; Green 1965
1958 Nov 19, 04h00m – 04h30m Alphonsus; 30 min Diffuse cloud over central mountain Poppendiek, Bond Alter 1959; Poppendiek and Bond 1959
1958 Nov 19, 22h05m Alpetragius Portion of shadow in crater vanished Stein Stein 1959
1958 Nov 19 Alphonsus Reddish patch close to central peak Wilkins, Hole Wilkins 1959; Hole 1959; Moore 1965
1958 Nov 22 Alphonsus Gray spot Bartha Moore 1965
1958 Dec 19 Alphonsus Reddish patch close to central peak Wilkins, Hole Wilkins 1959; Hole 1959; Moore 1965
1959 Jan 22 Aristarchus Interior, light brilliant blue, later turning white Alter Alter NASA report
1959 Jan 23 Aristarchus Brilliant blue interior Alter Cameron 1965
1959 Feb 18 Alphonsus Red patch Hole Moore 1965
1959 Mar 24, 02h33m and 04h55m Aristarchus Strong blue and blue-violet glares; E wall, E wall bright spot, S wall bright spot; intermittent display. Observation at 04h55m of same phenomenon Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1959 Mar 25, 05h24m Aristarchus Intense blue-violet glare on whole length of E rim and on E wall bright spot; dark violet hue in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1959 Apr 19 W of Mare Humorum Bright point to W of mare McFarlane Strol. Astr. 1959
1959 Sep 5 Aristarchus Irregular, intermittent starlike point of light, 8th to 9th mag, appeared within bright area. No color seen Rule Rule 1959
1959 Sep 13 Littrow Obliterated by a hovering cloud (Feist disagrees with Bradford) Bradford Contrib. by Moore
1959 Oct 23 Alphonsus Red glow seen. Spectrum showed unusual features Kozyrev Kozyrev 1962
1960 Jan 6 Alphonsus Red spot Warner J. Int. Lunar Soc. 1960
1960 Nov Piton; ~30 min Red obscuration concealing peak Schneller Cameron 1965
1960 Dec Piton Red obscuration less intense than in November Schneller Cameron 1965
1961 Jan Piton Red obscuration less intense than in November Schneller Cameron 1965
1961 Feb 15, ~08h11m Aristarchus, Plato Seen as bright features during solar eclipse (on film of eclipse shown by BBC May 6, 1966) Sartory, Middlehurst Contrib. by Middlehurst
1961 May 30-31 Aristarchus Enhancement of spectrum in UV Grainger, Ring Grainger and Ring 1963
1961 Jun 27-28 Aristarchus, ray near Bessel Enhancement of spectrum in UV Grainger, Ring Grainger and Ring 1963
1961 Jun 29-30 E of Plato Enhancement of spectrum in UV Grainger, Ring Grainger and Ring 1963
1961 Oct 18 Eratosthenes Bright spot in crater Bartlett Strol. Astr. 1962
1961 Nov 26 Aristarchus region Red glow seen. Anomalous spectra in red and blue Kozyrev Kozyrev 1963
1961 Nov 28 Aristarchus region Red glow seen. Anomalous spectra in red and blue Kozyrev Kozyrev 1963
1961 Dec 3 Aristarchus region Red glow seen. Anomalous spectra in red and blue Kozyrev Kozyrev 1963
1962 Sep 5 Region of Walter near terminator; 7 min Faint point of light Chalk Cameron 1965
1962 Sep 16 “Whole moon” Spectrum showed UV emission, particularly in region of H and K lines by comparison with spectra of Sun, Mars and Jupiter Spinrad Spinrad 1964
1962 Oct 8 Aristarchus; ~1 hr Activity Adams Cameron 1965
1963 Oct 5 Aristarchus region Enhancement of 30 percent at 5450 A Scarfe Scarfe 1965
1963 Oct 30 Aristarchus region Color changes; reddish-orange to ruby patches Greenacre, Barr Greenacre 1963
1963 Oct 30 Cobrahead; 7 min Brightened area, 7th to 11th mag Budine, Farrell Cameron 1965
1963 Nov 1, 23h00m Near Kepler; 20 min Enhancement of large area in red light Kopal, Rackham Kopal and Rackham 1964a, 1964b
1963 Nov 11 Aristarchus Color changes Jacobs Shorthill 1963; Gree 1965, p.409
1963 Nov 28 Aristarchus, Schroter’s Valley; 1 hr 15 min Red spots, then violet, blue haze Greenacre, et al Greenacre 1963
1963 Nov 28 Cobrahead; 35 min Pink spot on W side Tombaugh Cameron 1965
1963 Nov 28 Aristarchus, Anaximander; ~1 hr Red spot in Aristarchus and also on N edge of Anaximander W. Fisher Cameron 1965
1963 Dec 28, 15h55m – 16h26m Aristarchus to Herodotus; 31 min Extensive red area 9 students at Hiroshima, Japan Sato 1964
1963 Dec 29-30, 22h00m – 03h00m Aristarchus region; 5 hr Purplish-blue patch Doherty and others Contrib. by Moore
1963 Dec 30, ~11h00m NE limb; ~20 min During eclipse, anomalous reddish glow inside umbra (Lunar eclipse) Many observers Sky and Tel. 1964
1964 Feb 25 Cobrahead; 3 min, Aristarchus; 1 min Red flashes, + 12 mag Budine Cameron 1965
1964 Mar 16 Aristarchus Sudden red glow on SW rim Lecuona Cameron 1965
1964 Mar 18 Aristarchus Flash Earl and brother Cameron 1965
1964 Mar 26, 00h37m Aristarchus Floor; blue clay color Bartlett Bartlett, 1967
1964 Mar 28, 01h59m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare, E wall and N wall; E wall bright spot; violet tinge in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Apr 22 Near Ross D Bright spot Cross and others Harris 1967
1964 Apr 26 Region of Censorinus Surface brightening somewhat similar to Kopal-Rackham (1963 Nov 1) event Hopmann Hopmann 1966
1964 May 17 Theophilus Crimson color on W rim, ~10 mag Dieke Cameron 1965
1964 May 18, 03h55m – 05h00m SE of Ross D; 1 hr 5 min White obscuration moved 20 mph, decreased in extent. Phenomenon repeated. Newtonians 8″ f/7 and 9″ f/7 used Harris, Cross and others Cameron 1965; Harris 1967
1964 May 20 Plato; ~10 min Strong orange-red color on W rim of crater, + 10 mag Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 May 26, 04h22m Aristarchus Strong blue-violet glare, E wall and E wall bright spot; strong violet tinge in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 May 28, 05h38m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE walls. Dark violet, nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Jun 6 Aristarchus area; 50 min Spur between Aristarchus and Herodotus; red spots (glow) in Schroter’s Valley Schmidling, St.Clair, Platt Cameron 1965
1964 Jun 17 SE of Ross D Moving bright spot; 2 brief obscurations of part of wall. Newtonian, 19″ f/7 Cross, Harris Harris 1967
1964 Jun 20, 06h00m Aristarchus Nimbus only; dark violet hue Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Jun 21, 03h43m – 05h44m S of Ross D; 2 hr, 1 min Moving dark area. Newtonian 19″ f/7 Harris, Cross, Helland Harris 1967
1964 Jun 23, 04h55m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare, NE rim; strong violet tinge in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Jun 25, ~01h07m Aristarchus Very bright during eclipse (direct photograph, lunar eclipse) Titulaer Hemel en Dampkring 1967
1964 Jun 25, 01h07m Grimaldi During lunar eclipse, white streak from Grimaldi toward limb Azevado Letter to Moore
1964 Jun 26, 05h24m Aristarchus Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau. Absent from crater Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Jun 27, 05h48m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Jun 28, 06h44m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE, N, NW walls Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Jun 28 S region of Aristarchus Reddish-brown tone observed Bartlett Greenacre 1965
1964 Jul 16 SE of Ross D Temporary “hill,” est 3 km diam and shadow seen Cragg Harris 1967
1964 Jul 17 Plato Faint pink bands at base of inner W wall and on rim of N wall Bartlett Greenacre 1965
1964 Jul 18 SE of Ross D Bright area moved and shrank. Extent greater with amber filter Harris Cameron 1965; Harris 1967
1964 Jul 18 Plato; some minutes Pink tinge to W wall, 10th mag Bartlett Cameron 1965
1964 Jul 28, 04h43m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Jul 29, 05h50m Aristarchus Nimbus only; dark violet hue Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Jul 31, 05h28m Aristarchus Pale blue tint; NE, N, NW walls and floor Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Aug 16, 04h18m – 05h20m SE of Ross D; 1 hr, 2 min Bright area. Condensations varying with time Harris, Cross Harris 1967
1964 Aug 24, 04h22m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet; E wall bright spot, E, NE wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Aug 25, 04h58m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Aug 26, 04h16m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim. Dark violet hue in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Aug 26 Aristarchus; ~1 hr Red and blue bands Gennatt, Reid Cameron 1965
1964 Aug 27, 04h37m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE wall. Dark violet, nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Aug 28, 04h40m Aristarchus Faint blue-violet radiance, E wall bright spot and NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Sep 18, 01h15m Aristarchus Craterlet, base NW wall; bluish Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Sep 20 Aristarchus to Herodotus Several red spots in area Crowe, Cross Cameron 1965
1964 Sep 20 SE of Ross D Bright obscuration Cross Cameron 1965; Harris 1967
1964 Sep 22, 03h03m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot and NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Sep 22 Kunowsky; 1 hr Red area blinked in blinker Gillheaney, Hall, L.Johnson Cameron 1965
1964 Sep 23, 03h30m Aristarchus Blue-violet flare [glare?]; E wall bright spot, E, NE, N, NW wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Sep 25, 04h05m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot. Dark violet on nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Sep 25, 04h43m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Sep 26, 05h07m Aristarchus Moderately intense; E wall bright spot. Dark violet, nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Oct 19, 02h02m Aristarchus Strong blue tint E half of floor; blue-violet glare, base E side central peak Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Oct 22, 02h12m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare, E wall bright spot, E, NE wall. Dark violet hue in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Oct 24, 04h02m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim Dark violet hue in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Oct 25, 04h17m Aristarchus Nimbus only; dark violet hue Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Oct 25, 04h37m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE wall. Faint violet tinge in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Oct 27 Alphonsus Reddish-pink patch at base of sunlit central peak L.Johnson, et al Cameron 1965
1964 Nov 14 Plato Peak on W wall very brilliant white. At foot of peak on inner side, strong blue band. Immediately adjacent, on SE was a small, bright red spot Bartlett Greenacre 1965
1964 Nov 21, 01h57m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet glare; NE, N, and NW rims Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Nov 23, 03h29m Aristarchus Strong blue-violet glare; N, NE, NW walls. Dark violet, nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Nov 24, 04h50m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare, N rim. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet N and NE of crater Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Dec 19 Aristarchus; 1 min Brightened by a factor of 5 Budine, Farrell Cameron 1965
1964 Dec 19, ~02h35m N/A Anomalous bright area during lunar eclipse S. Hill and student Hill 1966
1964 Dec 19, ~02h35m Edge of Mare Nubium Photoelectric photometry showed strong anomalous enhancement of radiation during lunar eclipse Sanduleak, Stock Sanduleak and Stock 1965
1965 Mar 14, 07h40m SE of Ross D Crater wall partially obscured. Bright area. Cassegrain 12″, f/15 Cross Harris 1967
1965 Jul 1 Aristarchus, dark side Starlike image Emanuel Cameron 1965
1965 Jul 2 Aristarchus; 1 hr 21 min Bright spot like star on dark side, estimated mag 4 Emanuel, et al Greenacre 1965
1965 Jul 3 Aristarchus; ~1 hr 10 min Pulsating spot on dark side Emanuel, et al Greenacre 1965
1965 Jul 4 Aristarchus; 1 hr Bright spot, no pulsations, on dark side Emanuel, et al Greenacre 1965
1965 Jul 7 Grimaldi White streak extended toward limb Azevado, et al Revista Astr. 1965
1965 Jul 8 Theophilus; 10 min Bright spot Cross Cameron 1965; Greenacre 1965
1965 Jul 9 Aristarchus; 2 hr 6 min Starlike image Emanuel Cameron 1965
1965 Jul 31 Aristarchus Starlike image Welch Cameron 1965
1965 Aug 2 Aristarchus; ~1 min Starlike brightening, 8th to 9th mag Bornhurst Cameron 1965
1965 Aug 3 Aristarchus; ~6 min Starlike image, 6th to 7th mag Bornhurst Cameron 1965
1965 Aug 4 Aristarchus; ~2 min Starlike image, 6th to 7th mag Bornhurst Cameron 1965
1965 Sep 3 SE of Ross D Ridge obscured Harris Harris 1967
1965 Sep 9, 13h20m Aristarchus Orange-red strip on floor Presson Contrib. by Moore
1965 Oct 10, 06h07m Aristarchus Pale violet radiance; whole of W interior; dark violet, nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1965 Oct 11, 01h47m Aristarchus Whole crater, exclusive of S area, pale violet; dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1965 Oct 12, 02h20m Aristarchus Nimbus only; dark violet hue Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1965 Oct 13, 03h02m Aristarchus Pale, blue-violet tint on E wall bright spot and whole length of E wall; pale violet radiance in crater, exclusive of S region. Dark violet, nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1965 Nov 15 Aristarchus Bright spots L.Johnson Phys. Today 1966
1965 Dec 1 N/A Reddish glow followed by black obscuration Evrard and others Gingerich 1966
1965 Dec 4, 04h25m Ross D Obscuration of part of rim, also bright area 7-10 km diameter, not seen on following night (04h00m – 07h30m) Cross (Harris, Cragg on Dec 5) Harris 1967
1966 Feb 7, 01h10m Aristarchus Nimbus only; intense violet hue Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1966 Mar 29, 21h00m Archimedes Floor bands brilliant E.G. Hill B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.6
1966 Apr 2, 23h30m Aristarchus; 20 min Central peak very bright M. Brown B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.7
1966 Apr 3, 23h00m Aristarchus; 30 min Central peak very bright M. Brown B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 1, No.7
1966 Apr 12, 01h05m Gassendi; 18 min Abrupt flash of red settling immediately to point of red haze near NW wall. Continuous until 01h23m Whippey B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.5
1966 Apr 30 – May 2 Gassendi Red glows Sartory, Moore, Moseley, Ringsdore J.B.A.A. 1966; B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.6
1966 May 1, 21h55m – 22h45m Aristarchus; 50 min Red patch Patterson B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.6
1966 May 1, 22h10m Aristarchus; 15 min Small intense white spot NW of crater wall M. Brown, Sartory B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, Nos.6, 7
1966 May 27, 21h10m Alphonsus; 50 min Faint red patches Sartory, Moore, Moseley B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.6
1966 May 30, 20h52m Gassendi; 7 min Blink, orange patch and obscuration Sartory B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.6
1966 Jun 1, 03h20m Aristarchus Entire sunlit area of floor, bluish Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1966 Jun 3, 06h10m Aristarchus Nimbus only, violet hue Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1966 Jun 26, 04h30m – 04h40m Alphonsus; 10 min Absorption band (4880 +- 50A) seen in spectrum of central peak Harris, Arriola Harris 1967
1966 Jun 27 Plato; 15 min Inside SW wall of crater, blink Hedley Robinson, Sartory B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.11
1966 Jul 10, 02h00m Triesnecker; 1 hr Bright streak in crater Allen B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.10
1966 Aug 4-5, 22h37m – 23h30m
and 02h32m – 02h58m
Plato; 53 min, 26 min Red color, NE wall and floor Corvan, Moseley B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.10
1966 Sep 2, 00h00m Gassendi; 3 hr Reddish patches Moore, et al (8 observers) B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.10; ibid 1966, 1, No.11
1966 Sep 2 Alphonsus; intermittent, 1 hr 2 min A series of weak glows; Final flash observed at 04h18m Whippey B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 2, No.12
1966 Sep 3, 03h55m Gassendi Blinks on NE, ENE walls and SW and W of central peak Moseley B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.10
1966 Sep 25, 20h20m Gassendi; 30 min Reddish patches Moore, Moseley B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.11
1966 Sep 25, 23h12m Plato; 3 min Blinks in crater Moseley B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.11
1966 Ot 25, 03h46m SE of Ross D Large bright area obscuring half of crater wall. Not present Oct 24. Newtonian 19″ f/7 Cross Harris 1967
1966 Oct 25, 22h30m Gassendi Red blinks, N wall Moore, Moseley, Sartory B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 2, No.1
1966 Oct 29, 00h45m – 01h30m Copernicus, N rim; 45 min Red spot Walker Walker 1966
1966 Dec 22, 06h00m – 06h30m Messier (W.H. Pickering); 30 min Blinks on floors of both craters Kelsey B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.4
1966 Dec 23, 05h15m – 07h10m Plato; 55 min Numerous light streaks on floor, three bright spots on floor, all showed blinks Kelsey B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.4
1966 Dec 27, 06h30m – 07h05m Gassendi; 35 min Very faint blink on SW floor and another N of it on NW floor (observer considers observation very suspect) Kelsey B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.4
1967 Jan 21, 19h35m Gassendi Small blink and suspect faint colored patch in outer W wall in position of original observation of 1966 Apr 30 Sartory, Moore, Moseley, Duckworth, Kilburn B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.3; ibid 1967, 2, No.4
1967 Feb 17, 17h47m – 18h12m Alphonsus; 25 min Blink just inside the SW floor of crater suspected on elevation NW of dark patch Moore, Moseley B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.4
1967 Feb 19, 20h30m – 20h40m Alphonsus; 10 min Bright red glow in position of suspected blink of 1967 Feb 17. Fading by 20h37m Moseley, Moore B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.4
1967 Mar 22, 19h40m Gassendi Red color and blink Moseley B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.5
1967 Mar 23, 18h40m Gassendi Red color under S wall Sartory, Farrant B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.5
1967 Mar 23, 19h45m Cobrahead Red color outside SE wall Moore, Moseley, Farrant B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.6
1967 Mar 23, 19h05m – 19h55m Aristarchus Red glows Sartory, Moore, Moseley B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.5, 6
1967 Apr 15, 19h15m – 21h00m Aristarchus (on dark side); 1 hr 45 min Aristarchus very bright. Seeing very good until 21h00m UT, after which seeing too bad to continue observing. On April 16 and 17 nothing special was to be seen. Classen Hopmann 1967
1967 Apr 21, 19h16m – 21h15m Aristarchus; 1 hr 59 min Bright points on S wall. Red patch to NE Darnell, Farrant B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.7
1967 Apr 21, 21h20m Schroter’s Valley, Cobrahead Red color Darnell, Farrant B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.7
1967 Apr 22 Aristarchus (on bright side) Aristarchus so bright that it could be seen with the naked eye Classen Hopmann 1967
1967 May 20, 20h15m
and 21h05m – 21h20m
Aristarchus; 15 min Red spots on south rim. Moon low Darnell B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.8
1967 May 20 Gassendi Elongated blink in crater, SW part of floor Kelsey B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.8
1967 May 29, 06h40m – 07h25m Aristarchus; 45 min Red-brown color C.A. Anderson B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.8
1967 Jun 18, 21h10m – 22h30m
and 22h50m – 23h59m
Gassendi; 1 hr 20 min and 1 hr 9 min Faint redness outside the NW and SW wall of Gassendi Whippey B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.8
1967 Aug 13, 21h00m Alphonsus; 15 min Glow in interior of crater Horowitz B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.10
1967 Sep 11, 00h32m Mare Tranquilitaties; 8-9 sec Black cloud surrounded by violet color Montreal group B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.12
1967 Sep 11, 00h45m Sabine Bright yellow flash visible a fraction of a second Mrs P.Jean and Montreal group B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.12
1967 Sep 17, 02h05m Aristarchus Red color observed Delano Kelsey 1967
1967 Oct 10, 02h15m SE of Ross D Bright area moved 80 km/hr toward SSE and expanded as contrast reduced Harris Harris 1967
1967 Oct 19, 05h00m Kepler, Aristarchus High moon, 19 after full, apogee. Kepler appeared at least one mag brighter than Aristarchus. On Oct 20 and 22 at 05h UT, relative brightness returned to normal Classen Classen 1967