2023 return and change of video provider

Hello everyone, we are back after a long hiatus. I was down with serious back issues and have recovered well enough to start doing shows again. One of the things that has occurred over the past year has been the all too noticeable removal of users, accounts and channels across multiple well-known providers. I have shifted my social media presence to Rumble and TruthSocial where I won’t experience what so many who post content and video have experienced, violating their first-amendment rights and ability to freely express themselves.

So Rumble it is for our video content. For the time being Buzzsprout will continue to be used for podcast audio but we may drop that if the economy continues to degrade with the events taking place across the country and world.

We will be discussing content much as we have before, but now that we can speak freely on Rumble, we’ll be more direct and not tiptoeing around dictatorial social media companies terms of service. The First Amendment should take precedence over the restrictive policies of deep state organizations and we will not patronize these providers if we can help it. I will have to use one well-known provider on occasion, but I will be very careful and use that provider as minimally as possible.

It is good to be back and I am glad that many friends wanted to see me back on the air! Off we go!